This illustration captures a child standing in a field, beside a computer with a welcoming, almost human face. The choice to depict the computer in this way underscores its role as more than just a machine; it has been a trusted companion, present from my earliest days at home. **The computer is portrayed as a gateway to new worlds—**a tool that has allowed me to explore, imagine, and bring to life ideas that once existed only in my mind. From the beginning, I recognized its potential—not just as a device, but as an extension of my creativity. Today, I spend countless hours with it, delving into new projects and discoveries. My relationship with the computer has always been one of curiosity, wonder, and practical exploration, forming a bond that has guided me through a continuous journey of learning and growth.
This illustration is more than just an image; it is a self-portrait in essence. It reflects the deep connection I have with technology, particularly the computer, which has been a steadfast ally in my creative and intellectual development. Through this portrayal, I seek to convey the profound impact that this relationship has had on my life—a silent yet powerful force that has shaped my path from a very young age.